Group photo of stakeholders in Caucasia Colombia

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295 results found
  • Les orpailleurs d'Andrafialava
    24 September 2024

    Nous mettons le cap vers Madagascar sans mercure avec le projet planetGOLD Madagascar

    Plaidoyer pour un dialogue entre l’Unité de Gestion du Projet planetGOLD Madagascar et les parties prenantes en matière de réduction et élimination de l’utilisation du mercure dans le secteur EMAPE de la Région de DIANA-Madagascar.

  • Uganda Buhere Kyoyimamuto Artisanal Miners Women Group
    20 September 2024

    Empowering women in artisanal gold mining: The story of Buhere Mine Site in Uganda

    Located in Uganda’s Namayingo District, Buhere Mine Site highlights both the challenges and opportunities faced by artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) communities. What sets this site apart is its proximity to Lake Victoria, emphasizing the critical need for responsible mining practices.

  • panel
    20 September 2024

    Бичил уурхайн салбарын үйл ажиллагаа хэвийн үргэлжлэх боломж бүрдэв

    "Бичил уурхайгаар ашигт малтмал олборлох журмыг хэрэгжүүлэгч байгууллагуудын нэгдсэн хэлэлцүүлэг, зөвлөгөөн" 2024 оны 9-р сарын 20-ны өдөр зохион байгуулагдлаа. Тус зөвлөгөөнийг Аж үйлдвэр, эрдэс баялгийн яам, Ашигт малтмал, газрын тосны газар зохион байгуулж, planetGOLD Монгол төсөл дэмжин ажиллав.

  • оролцогчид
    20 September 2024

    Positive Prospects for ASM: Mongolia's New Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Pledges Regulatory Reforms and Collaboration with Artisanal Miners

    Initiated by Mongolia's newly appointed Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources, Mr. Tuvaan Tsevegdorj, and co-organized by the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority, the event marked a significant step forward for Mongolia’s artisanal mining sector. The planetGOLD Mongolia project, executed by the Artisanal Gold Council, supported the conference alongside the Artisanal and Small-Scale National Federation.

  • Underground_mining_Arequipa (4)
    17 September 2024

    Del dato a la acción: estrategia “basada en datos” para promover la formalización de la minería artesanal en Perú

    La formalización minera de la minería artesanal y de pequeña escala (MAPE) es un tema crucial en el Perú, por su rol en la reducción de impactos ambientales y la generación de desarrollo económico local. Para tomar decisiones informadas y mejorar la gestión pública, es esencial contar con datos de calidad.

  • нээлт
    13 September 2024

    Бичил уурхайчид нэгдэн хадгаламж, зээлийн хоршоо үүсгэн байгууллаа

    Сэлэнгэ аймгийн Мандал сумын Түнхэл тосгоны бичил уурхайчид нэгдэж “Баатар вангийн хишиг арвижих” хадгаламж, зээлийн хоршоог (ХЗХ) үүсгэн байгуулах шийдвэр гаргасан билээ. Тус ХЗХ нь Санхүүгийн зохицуулах хорооноос тусгай зөвшөөрөл авч 2024 оны 9-р сарын 13-нд нээлтийн арга хэмжээг зохион байгуулан үйл ажиллагаагаа албан ёсоор эхлүүллээ.

  • Uganda gold residue rocks display
    29 August 2024

    Empowering artisanal miners: planetGOLD supports nationwide consultation workshops on new mining regulations 

    The Uganda Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, with support from the planetGOLD Uganda project, conducted a series of nationwide consultation workshops to discuss the proposed artisanal mining regulations under the Mining and Minerals Act, 2022.

    26 August 2024

    Lanzamiento de “Tu Seguro de Oro”

    El proyecto planetGOLD Bolivia ha lanzado el seguro inclusivo "Tu Seguro de Oro" en la región de la Chiquitania, una iniciativa que busca proteger a los mineros artesanales y a sus familias frente a riesgos de salud y seguridad. Este seguro, accesible y completamente digital, no solo brinda una red de seguridad financiera, sino que también promueve la formalización del sector y mejora la calidad de vida en las comunidades mineras.

    22 August 2024

    Curso Especializado "Oro Responsable"

    El Curso Especializado de "Oro Responsable", organizado por la EGPP en colaboración con ministerios y organizaciones como planetGOLD, busca capacitar a servidores públicos y actores clave en la implementación de prácticas sostenibles en la minería. Abarca temas esenciales para promover una minería responsable y sostenible.

  • Social Licence in ASGM
    17 August 2024

    Consultative Workshop on Social License for Artisanal Smallscale Gold Miners

    The planetGOLD Ghana project consults stakeholders in the Artisanal Small- scale Gold Mining (ASGM) value chain, on the preparation of a Social License for Mining entities. The workshop was used to gather insights from the stakeholders to facilitate the development of a robust Social License Protocol (SLP) that aligns with the project's objectives and the needs of the ASGM sector in Ghana.

  • Guapi women's savings group
    14 August 2024

    Mercury has long poisoned gold miners. This new strategy is helping change that

    In the small coastal town of Guapi, Colombia, Mary Luz Ante Orobio is meeting with a group she calls “the unstoppable women”. They are gathered around a wooden chest filled with loose cash, a ledger and a calculator. Orobio flips through the ledger, eyes poring over tidy notes outlining a series of financial investments. She jots down some numbers before distributing cash among the group.

  • Taxes, fees, royalties & formalization ASGM report cover image
    13 August 2024

    Something Certain about Formalisation and Taxes

    Governments looking to formalize their artisanal gold sectors often see the ability to collect taxes as one of the primary benefits. But what if imposition of taxes, royalties and other fees are in fact one of the primary factors driving gold exporters and artisanal gold miners into informality? In this guest blog from researcher Shawn Blore, get highlights from a recent study that looks closely at this question using information gathered from countries in the first phase of the planetGOLD programme.