These resources were published and implemented by the planetGOLD country projects. Click on the topics below to expand, explore and download.
planetGOLD Training Resources
Comprehensive ASGM Training Manual
planetGOLD Kenya English
The curriculum has been designed as an introductory level course on basic knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable artisanal and small-scale miners to run more sustainable, responsible, and profitable enterprises with focus on key safety and health concerns.
Curso Virtual Sobre Gestión Integrada del Mercurio
planetGOLD Colombia Spanish
En un programa académico de 48 horas virtuales, divididas en ocho (8) módulos, se invita a todas las personas interesadas en fortalecer sus conocimientos, descubriendo conceptos iniciales sobre el mercurio, sus efectos en la salud y el medio ambiente, comprender el enfoque de género en este campo y proponiendo soluciones para la eliminación de esta sustancia tóxica de los territorios.
Good Mining Practice Handbook for Small Scale Primary Gold Mining Sector (ENG)
planetGOLD Indonesia (GOLD-ISMIA) English
The guideline of Good Mining Practice (GMP) was developed based on the conditions of small-scale primary gold mining in Indonesia which is focusing on the technical level as well as mining safety and environmental management during the primary and post-mining gold mining processes. GMP is a technical guideline for supporting small-scale primary gold mining in Indonesia. The information is also useful for stakeholders in the small-scale primary gold mining sector, small-scale mining operators, local governments and local communities living close to small-scale primary gold mining areas.
planetGOLD Mongolia: Concepts and Practices of Occupational Health and Safety Issues in ASGM
planetGOLD Mongolia English
The training is focused on capacity building and understanding the concepts and practices of OHS issues in ASGM. It aims at educating artisanal miners in the OHS standard compliance, identification of hazards and risks, measurement, prevention, control and remediation of mine site-related hazards, and health risks caused by mercury.
Introduction to the Due Diligence Concept, CRAFT Code and planetGOLD Criteria
planetGOLD Philippines English
An introduction to the planetGOLD Criteria as presented by the planetGOLD Philippines project. This training was delivered to both representatives from government agencies and the mining community.
Verification and Capacity Building Training Modules
planetGOLD Guyana English
This training provides four modules: (1) Production (2) Responsible Mining Standards, (3) Chain of Custody and Due Diligence, and (4) Branding and Marketing. Individual modules can be found in the resource library.
Training Module : Modul Pelatihan Peningkatan Kapasitas Pemerintah dalam Sektor Pertambangan Emas Skala Kecil (PESK)
planetGOLD Indonesia (GOLD-ISMIA) Indonesian
Training module for increasing government capacity
Training Module : Modul Pelatihan Formalisasi untuk Sektor Pertambangan Emas Skala Kecil (PESK)
planetGOLD Indonesia (GOLD-ISMIA) Indonesian
Training Module : Training Pelatihan untuk Formalisasi PESK
Guideline for Gender Mainstreaming in the Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Sector (ASGM)
planetGOLD Indonesia English
One of the project’s strategies is to strengthen gender mainstreaming in the implementation of each activity to achieve justice and gender equality for artisanal and small-scale gold miners (ASGM). This book, the Guideline for Gender Mainstreaming (GM) in the Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Sector (ASGM) has been developed to serve as a reference in the implementation of ASGM governance and mentoring programs for gender-sensitive mining communities for implementing agents and parties related to ASGM at the national, provincial, district/city, and village levels in carrying out gender mainstreaming in the attempt to achieve mercury free and gender equality in ASGM sector. This guideline includes steps for gender mainstreaming in pursuing Mercury Free ASGM in 4 aspects, namely: (i) Gender mainstreaming in the formulation of policies related to ASGM and Mercury Elimination and Reduction, at the government, regional governments, and village government level; (ii) Gender mainstreaming in the preparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Regional Mercury Elimination and Reduction Action Plans; (iii) Gender mainstreaming in community awareness regarding Mercury Free ASGM; and (iv) Gender mainstreaming in the project cycle.
Training Module : Modul Pelatihan Membangun Kesadaran Gender untuk Komunitas Pertambangan Emas Skala Kecil (PESK)
planetGOLD Indonesia (GOLD-ISMIA) Indonesian
Training Module : Gender
Finance and Business
planetGOLD Mongolia Business Training Product
planetGOLD Mongolia English
Training material consists of 6 topics with a total duration of 12 hours. Training topics include:
- Change your mindset!
- You are an entrepreneur!
- Legal liability and insurance
- Income and cost accounting
- Developing your partnership and business planning
- Mutual savings group
Training Module : Pelatihan Pengelolaan Keuangan untuk Koperasi dan Keluarga Penambang Emas Skala Kecil (PESK)
planetGOLD Indonesia (GOLD-ISMIA) Indonesian
Training Module : Finance
Knowledge Areas: