Working Together: How large-scale mining can engage with artisanal and small-scale miners
International Finance Corporation English
The interaction between large-scale mining companies and artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) operations has not always been positive, and encounters between the two sectors are increasing. There are a number of ASM sustainable development challenges – including security, human rights and relocation programs – that can require specific ASM consideration.
Lessons learned on managing the interface between large-scale and artisanal and small-scale gold mining
World Gold Council English
This report explores how large-scale gold mining companies are working with governments, civil society, and responsible ASGM entities to improve development outcomes, address human rights challenges, and reduce environmental damage. The report concludes that a key to progress is for governments to formalise responsible ASGM entities, giving them legal status and reducing their vulnerability to predatory middlemen, corruption or organised crime. The report urges the case for greater co-operation and dialogue between stakeholders to address the negative impacts of ASGM.
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Mining Together: Large-Scale Mining Meets Artisanal Mining, A Guide for Action
World Bank English
This guide is an important step to better understanding the conflict dynamics and underlying issues between large-scale and small-scale mining. This guide for action not only points to some of the challenges that both parties need to deal with in order to build a more constructive relationship, but most importantly it sheds more light on some potential interventions for conflict prevention, management, and even transformation.
Coexistence Between Small and Large-scale Mining is Possible and Necessary
Daniel Acevedo Gómez – ARM Project Coordinator English
Coexistence between SSM and LSM can be possible as shown through recent activities in San Roque, Antioquia. The implementation of the Sustainable Mines Program resulted in seven subcontracts and which directly benefits over 350 miners and their families.
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