A village of pink roofs and white walls on the face of a hill

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Jurisdictional and Landscape Approaches

The planetGOLD projects aim to formalize the ASGM sectors with the implementation of jurisdictional and landscape approaches. Resources and presentations provided by Conservation International and their partners can be found here: Jurisdictional Approach/Landscape Approach Resources

  • A Practical Guide to Integrated Landscape Management: 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People

    EcoAgriculture Partners, on behalf of 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People English

    This Practical Guide for Integrated Landscape Management outlines an adaptive, collaborative and iterative process to help stakeholders achieve transformational change in their landscape.

  • Jurisdictional Approaches Resource Hub

    Tropical Forest Alliance English

    The Jurisdictional Approaches Resource Hub is hosted by the Tropical Forest Alliance as part of the Jurisdictional Action Network. It serves a growing community of people and organizations who seek to advance Jurisdictional Approaches (JAs) that support the responsible production and sourcing of forest-risk commodities.

  • Building Partnerships for Landscape Stewardship

    Louise E. Buck, Sara J. Scherr, Christopher M. Planicka and Krista Heiner English

    The importance of partnership in bringing about effective landscape stewardship warrants careful examination of characteristics of good partnerships and effective ways of building them. This chapter contributes to that task by drawing upon pertinent literature and empirical evidence from landscape initiatives to characterise the main elements of a partnership for landscape stewardship and put forward a framework to aid in designing effective partnerships.

  • Indigenous Negotiations Resource Guide

    Conservation International English

    The Indigenous Negotiations Resource Guide, designed in consultation with Indigenous partners, supports Indigenous peoples and local communities to negotiate effective and equitable benefit sharing agreements with those seeking to develop their lands, waters and resources, such as for extractive and infrastructure projects. 

    The guide document is available to download in both English and Spanish.

  • Jurisdictional Approach to Sustainable Commodity Production and Sourcing

    Conservation International English

    This is a PowerPoint presentation delivered by John Buchanan, VP of Sustainble Production, during the virtual planetGOLD Global Forum.

  • LandScale Brochure

    LandScale English

    This brochure gives an overview of LandScale, a user-friendly assessment tool and validation service that helps generate credible landscape-level insights.