A woman miner

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ASGM affects women and men in different ways. Learn about incorporating a gender dimension into activities to support ASGM actors.

  • Golden Opportunities: Gender Study on Increasing Women's Visibility, Access to, and Support for Work in the Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Communities

    planetGOLD Philippines English

    This study aimed to improve the visibility, accessibility, and support for women involved in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) in the communities of Sagada, Mountain Province, Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), and Paracale, Camarines Norte, Bicol Region in the Philippines. Its main objective was to assess the current situation of women in ASGM communities and identify opportunities for collaboration between national and local government agencies to assist these women. The study utilized qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection, including surveys, interviews, focus group discussions (FGDs), key informant interviews (KIIs), and roundtable discussions (RTDs). 

  • #YoMeReconozco Mujeres que trabajan por sus derechos

    planetGOLD Colombia Spanish

    Continue your story for equality! 📘👉 We invited several women to tell us how they recognize themselves and contribute to the empowerment of their actions and territories. 🤗✊ As true protagonists, they narrated their motivations through videos and joined the common message for a more inclusive world, without stereotypes and with equal opportunities. #GeneroMas🎥👇 And you, woman, how do you recognize yourself?



  • Guideline for Gender Mainstreaming in ASGM

    planetGOLD Indonesia English

    This guideline was developed as a reference for stakeholders on how gender mainstreaming is carried out in the management of mercury-free ASGM.

  • Gender in Guyana's ASGM Sector: A Case Study

    planetGOLD Guyana English

    This paper focuses on women’s roles in Guyana's ASGM sector, with the intention of providing comprehensive findings that can be used to make the sector more gender-inclusive and environmentally and socially sustainable.

  • Mujeres y Hombres de Oro

    planetGOLD Perú Spanish

    El documento muestra las brechas de género en la minería artesanal y pequeña minería en el Perú y brinda recomendaciones para la elaboración de un plan de acción con enfoque de género que promueva la igualdad de derechos y oportunidades en el sector. 

  • Lessons Learned from Gender Mapping and Gender Action Plan of the Philippines

    planetGOLD Philippines English

    This presentation provides results from a study conducted from January through July of 2022 in the Sagada, Mt. Province and Paracale, Camarines Norte.

  • Incorporating gender dimensions into national strategy setting in chemicals management

    UNEP English

    This joint guidance has been developed to support gender mainstreaming in the development of artisanal and small-scale gold mining National Action Plans (NAPs) in line with Annex C of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, as well as for the development of National Implementation Plans (NIPs) for the management of persistent organic pollutants in line with the Stockholm Convention. The document  provides guidance on incorporating gender dimensions throughout the process and into strategic content of both NAPs and NIPs. The Annexes present detailed considerations and tools relevant for both and specific to NAPs and NIPs


  • Gender in National Action Plans for Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining: A Quick Start Guide

    UNEP English

    The Quick Start Guide summarizes and provides a visual overview of the key issues and recommendations for incorporating gender dimension into National Action Plans for artisanal and small scale gold mining. The document is based on the detailed guidance presented in UNEP's Guide on Incorporating Gender Dimensions into National Strategy Setting in the Context of Chemicals Management.

  • Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining A Rapid Assessment Toolkit to address gender dimension

    The World Bank English

    This publication was designed as an easy to-use toolkit for identifying the gender dimensions of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM). Comprehending this dimension of ASM means understanding how men and women are differentially involved in and affected by ASM, and the factors surrounding their engagement in ASM. By so doing, projects and policies can be put in place to ensure that men and women have equitable opportunities for participation at all stages of the ASM value chain, as well as access to the benefits of ASM, and that neither men nor women disproportionately bear the risks associated with ASM.

  • Women's Rights and Mining

    Women's Rights and Mining English

    Women’s Rights and Mining is an collaborative effort of NGOs, researchers and government organisations to secure commitments from key stakeholders in the mining sector to address key gender concerns

  • Addressing Forced Labor in Artisanal and Small Scale Mining (ASM) A Practitioner’s Toolkit

    Alliance for Responsible Mining English

    Managing the risk of forced labor in ASM is complex. Strategies to tackle it must address the double objective of eradicating forced labor and making sure that innocent people who rely on Artisanal and Small-scale Mining for their livelihoods are not excluded from mineral supply chains. ASM is a poverty-alleviating activity that directly and indirectly employs hundreds of millions of people around the world; excluding ASM from mineral supply chains could have a terrible impact on their livelihoods. The aim of this toolkit is to provide a handson approach that will help organizations, companies and government institutions to cooperate with artisanal miners rather than exclude them.

  • Toolkit: Gender Impact Assessments for Projects and Policies Related to Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining

    Impact English

    The toolkit was developed as part of IMPACT’s vision for natural resources to benefit all genders equally, over the course of IMPACT’s work in Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda where the organization, along with its partners, identified gaps in tools available to analyze the impact on women in field-based projects addressing ASM formalization. 

  • Gender Dimensions of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining: A Rapid Assessment Toolkit

    The World Bank English

    This publication was designed as an easy to-use toolkit for identifying the gender dimensions of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM).