UNEP English
The technical document provides an overview of the available knowledge on the management of mercury-containing tailings generated from the ongoing ASGM practices. Furthermore, based on experiences and specific case studies gathered from mining sites worldwide, each section outlines relevant recommendations for the sound management of tailings along the mining life cycle. The current version of the document has been submitted to the Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Minamata Convention as an information document.
Minamata COP 4 side event: Sound management of mercury-containing tailings in artisanal and small-scale gold mining
UNEP English
Review materials and watch video recording from the virtual event to learn more about the technical document on mercury-containing tailings management in ASGM and discover the experience of Zimbabwe and Colombia with ASGM tailings management.
2022 Global Forum on ASGM - Day 3 Recording - Americas/West Africa Regional Focus
planetGOLD Global Project English
This is the second segment of the April 28 event, with a regional focus on the Americas and West Africa. The recording discusses: (1) Recovering mercury from tailings, (2) Gender impacts and assessments: Lessons from Africa, (3) ASGM impacts on forests, and (4) Applying principles of FPIC in the ASGM Context.
Knowledge Areas:
ASGM Tailings Management and Reprocessing Governance: Global trends
The Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development English
The report underscores the urgent need for governments to prioritize responsible ASGM tailings management, particularly the disposal of hazardous materials like mercury that pose significant risks to human health and the environment. Publication available in EN/ESP/FR.
Copper plates as a mercury recovery technique
planetGOLD Colombia Spanish
Discover some techniques for cleaning and recovering tailings in Yalí, Antioquia, and learn how this strategy represents a great opportunity for the elimination of mercury in small-scale mining.
Promoting Responsible Recovery and Handling of Mercury Contaminated Artisanal Gold Mining Tailings in Colombia
Pure Earth Colombia English
The document presents the available information on promising technologies that recover mercury from tailings generated by ASGM in Colombia.
Knowledge Areas:
Promoting the recovery and responsible management of mercury in contaminated tailings from artisanal gold mining in Colombia
Pure Earth English
This report presents information drawn from experiences during more than three years of work, in Colombia, dedicated to the adaptation and function of the copper plates, which were tested both under laboratory conditions and in the field.
Knowledge Areas: