A pink butterfly on a green leef

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ASGM can have harmful effects on biodiversity. Learn about the special considerations for mining near protected areas and critical ecosystems.

  • Artisanal and small-scale gold mining and biodiversity

    UNEP English

    This knowledge hub aims to strengthen and disseminate knowledge on linkages between ASGM practices and biodiversity. Learn more why it matters and what is the current knowledge on the on topic, and explore the library of resources, news and events.

  • Artisanal and Small-scale Mining in and Around Protected Areas and Critical Ecosystems Project: Methodological toolkit for baseline assessments and response strategies to artisanal and small-scale mining in protected areas and critical ecosystem

    Hinton, J. and Hollestelle, R. English

    The aim of ASM-PACE is to address the environmental impacts of artisanal and small scale mining (ASM) whilst building on its economic, social, and empowerment potential in some of the world’s most important ecosystems. The Programme uses a scientific foundation of knowledge, participatory methods and rights-based approaches to work with miners and their communities – rather than in opposition – to design sustainable, win-win solutions that will last. 

    Prepared for Estelle Levin, Ltd and the ASM-PACE project.

  • Forest-Smart Mining: Identifying Good and Bad Practices and Policy Responses for Artisanal & Small-Scale Mining in Forest Landscapes

    World Bank English

    This report reviews existing knowledge and experience around mining in forested landscapes. It focuses on artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM). It analyzed several active ASM mine sites as case studies to identify good and bad practices for forest-smart mining and the conditions and mechanisms that motivate these practices.

  • Artisanal and Small-scale Mining in Protected areas and critical Ecosystems Programme (ASM-PACE): A Global Solutions Study

    WWF and Estelle Levin, Ltd English

    The report summarizes the selected ASM in protected areas, reviews the policy responses to ASM occurring protected preas, and offer an initial set of recommendations.

  • Small-scale & artisanal mining impacts on biodiversity in Latin America

    USAID English

    The report presents an overview of the impacts of ASM on biodiversity in the LAC countries and reviews strategies to address the issue. 

  • International Review of Environmental Rehabilitation Approaches for Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining: A Review of Best Practices for Frugal Rehabilitation of ASM in Mongolia

    Estelle Levin Ltd. English

    Estelle Levin Ltd. prepared this report by drawing on best practices of rehabilitation approaches for ASM, using international case studies that illustrate real-world rehabilitation methods that can be applied to ASM in Mongolia.