This Annual Progress Report features key activities, milestones, and figures from 23 country projects across the programme for the July 2022 – June 2023 reporting period. In addition to narrative summaries of key activities and accomplishments among these projects, this report incorporates data on four key output indicators that are tracked across the programme: tonnes of mercury abated; number of miners supported in their formalization processes; amount of money made available to ASGM through financial mechanisms; and amount of responsible ASGM gold produced.
This report documenting planetGOLD’s progress from July 2021 through June 2022 shows how project teams in planetGOLD made key advances toward helping miners go mercury-free, by improving miners’ awareness of the dangers of mercury use, educating and demonstrating to them viable technical alternatives, and progressing in creating an enabling regulatory and financial environment that supports miners to undertake this transition.
This knowledge hub aims to strengthen and disseminate knowledge on linkages between ASGM practices and biodiversity. Learn more why it matters and what is the current knowledge on the on topic, and explore the library of resources, news and events.
L'extraction minière artisanale et à petite échelle de l'or (EMAPE) est souvent associée à la dégradation de l'environnement, à l'exploitation des travailleurs, à des pratiques dangereuses et même à des conflits. Cependant, ce secteur est également une source d'emplois et de développement économique local dans certaines des régions les plus défavorisées du monde, où il existe peu d'alternatives. Peu de gens sont conscients de ces avantages, mais une communication efficace peut contribuer à donner une vision plus équilibrée. Cette note thématique résume une analyse de l'état des lieux des communications sur l'EMAPE (y compris les obstacles à une communication efficace) et des tendances émergentes, ainsi que des recommandations destinées aux communicateurs et aux décideurs.
El Foro Mundial 2024 sobre Minería Artesanal y en Pequeña Escala se celebró en Batangas (Filipinas) del 3 al 5 de junio de 2024. Organizado por el Programa planetGOLD, este evento pretendía reunir a una amplia gama de partes interesadas, incluidos mineros, funcionarios gubernamentales, organismos internacionales, expertos técnicos y en políticas, y representantes del sector privado. Los objetivos principales eran informar, educar e intercambiar las mejores prácticas para mejorar, profesionalizar y eliminar el mercurio en el sector de la extracción de oro artesanal y en pequeña escala.
Le Forum Mondial 2024 sur l'exploitation minière artisanale et à petite échelle s'est tenu à Batangas, aux Philippines, du 3 au 5 juin 2024. Organisé par le programme planetGOLD, cet événement visait à rassembler un éventail diversifié de parties prenantes, y compris des mineurs, des fonctionnaires gouvernementaux, des agences internationales, des experts politiques et techniques, et des représentants du secteur privé. Les principaux objectifs étaient d'informer, d'éduquer et d'échanger les meilleures pratiques afin d'améliorer, de professionnaliser et d'éliminer le mercure dans le secteur des EMAPE.
The 2024 Global Forum on Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining was held in Batangas, Philippines, in June 2024. Organized by the planetGOLD Programme, this event aimed to gather a diverse range of stakeholders, including miners, government officials, international agencies, policy and technical experts, and private sector representatives. The primary goals were to inform, educate, and exchange best practices to enhance, professionalize and eliminate mercury in the ASGM sector. Available in French and Spanish.
"Formalizing Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Operations in the Philippines" is a comprehensive guide designed to assist ASGM operators in understanding the necessary steps to legalize their operations. This document encompasses crucial laws and policies governing ASGM, as well as the permits and licenses required, providing a detailed process for obtaining them. It offers a clear roadmap, guiding operators from registration to compliance with environmental regulations, thereby ensuring that responsible ASGM practices contribute to the economy while adhering to legal standards.
ASGM Simplified: A Beginner's Guide to Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in the Philippines is a concise introduction to the topic. It explains the basics of ASGM, highlights the differences between ASGM and large-scale mining, and emphasizes the importance of ASGM for livelihoods, economic growth, and community empowerment. The guide also covers the relevant laws and policies governing ASGM, common practices, a glimpse of the history of ASGM in the Philippines, and the significance of Minahang Bayan, which are the designated areas for small-scale mining. Overall, this guide offers valuable insights into the role of ASGM in sustainable development in the country.
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