This technical report was prepared to assess the geological potential of the 130 km2 Djarkadougou Nord permit, located in south-west Burkina Faso in West Africa. The geological potential of the Djarkadougou North permit and its gold mineralization content has been proven for a long time. This study area, containing many artisanal gold mining sites, should allow the discovery of other economically exploitable gold mineralization, by the associations of artisanal miners from the villages located inside the permit and more specifically, that of village of Djarkadougou and the other small villages located within the boundaries of the study area.
planetGOLD Burkina Faso a mis en place une installation sans mercure à Gnikpiere, qui fonctionne à plein régime. Explorez comment cette initiative contribue à la protection de l'environnement et à l'amélioration des conditions de travail des mineurs artisanaux. Regardez le film documentaire, "L'émergence de nouveaux mineurs artisanaux", pour en savoir plus sur cette transition importante dans l'exploitation minière artisanale au Burkina Faso.
This poster designed by the planetGOLD Burkina Faso project was created to share information with local communities in mining areas on the ways in which mercury use accumulates in and impacts the environment.
This video provides a summary of a workshop the planetGOLD Burkina Faso project organized on access to finance for artisanal gold miners in Dano in June 2021.
This video gives a brief overview of the planetGOLD Burkina Faso project plus a summary of a workshop organized in June 2021 on the project's policy recommendations for the Burkinabe legal framework supporting the country's artisanal and small-scale gold mining sector.
planetGOLD Burkina Faso spoke to several people at our project site in Gnikpière, where we are working to establish a mercury-free processing plant. They shared their thoughts about the use of mercury in mining and their interest in transitioning to mercury-free technology.
Afin d'améliorer la formalisation, l'accès au financement et la traçabilité de l'or artisanal, le projet planetGOLD Burkina Faso a créé cette brochure pour fournir un bref aperçu de la législation encadrant régissant le secteur EMAPE au Burkina Faso et, en collaboration avec le gouvernement du Burkina Faso, pour fournir des recommandations sur le cadre politique pour promouvoir et soutenir un secteur EMAPE durable intégrant la protection de l'environnement, la prévention du travail des enfants, la promotion de l'égalité du genre parmi les mineurs, la promotion de la protection sociale, la facilitation de l'accès direct des mineurs aux marchés internationaux, et l'harmonisation des taxes et redevances.
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